Tinkerbell BC45512-Cat
Domestic S.H (short hair)
1 year 3 months
I may be able to live with another cat
I cannot live with dogs
I can live with teenagers

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Tinkerbell is a very sweet but timid young cat. She is friendly with everyone but won't approach as soon as she sees you. She is a very playful girl, loves to play with you, by herself and particularly likes wand and teaser toys.
More details about Tinkerbell
To stop Tinkerbell from wandering back to her old home, she cannot be rehomed in some areas near Melksham.
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Play with your cat!

Play with your cat!

Playing with your cat increases your bond, encourages them to stay closer to home, and reduces the urge to kill wildlife outside.

Cats, Adopters, Cat behaviour, Welfare

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Secure room set up for cats

How to set up a secure room for newly-adopted cats, or nervous cats

Cats, Adopters

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New cat

Setting up your home ready for your new cat to help them settle in quickly

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