Inky BC45502-Cat
Domestic Semi Long Hair
5 months
I may be able to live with another cat
I cannot live with dogs
I can live with teenagers

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Meet our timid sibling duo, Inky and Blinky. Coming in as stray, Inky and Blinky were a nervous pair and would startle easily. However, with time and patience they have recently started to come out their shell more and show they have an affectionate side! Especially Inky, he is the most confident out of the pair. They both enjoy to play with toys and have fuss but will still remain wary of loud noises. It is therefore important that they go to a quiet home where they can slowly grow in confidence.
Due to thier age, we are looking to have them rehomed as soon as possible so please do get in touch if you feel you could offer Inky and Blinky a home. If you are registered, give us a call on 01225 787331. If you are not registered, you are welcome to apply but please bear in mind that we reserve the right to rehome them to the most suitable match as quickly as possible to reduce their stay in the cattery.
More details about Inky
To stop them wandering back to their old home, they cannot be rehomed in parts of Beanacre.
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