Cairo BC45498-Cat
F6 Savannah cross
5 years 8 months
I would prefer not to live with other cats
I cannot live with dogs
I can live with teenagers

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Meet Cairo, a confident and friendly Savannah cat with a vibrant personality. Being a highly active breed, he needs an owner who is committed to providing him with plenty of mental and physical stimulation in the home. He is best suited for someone who understands the energy needs of such breeds and is willing to invest time in keeping him engaged. Cairo loves toys and will keep you entertained with his enthusiasm for playtime. Once settled, Cairo will reward you with endless fun and companionship and has a wonderful nature.
Cairo will be accepting interest until Friday 18th October and at this point, the Rehoming team will invite a potential adopter in to meet them. Please email or call and leave a voicemail if you are already registered and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We will endeavour to consider all new applications but, due to high demand we cannot guarantee that we will be able to register you by a certain date.
More details about Cairo
Cairo has been predominantly an indoor only cat, so he has minimal road sense so must be adopted to quiet area and an area away from any fast/sporadic roads. Cairo would benefit from having a safe, outdoor environment like a large secure garden or quiet neighbourhood to wonder. To stop him wandering back to their old area, they cannot be rehomed to certain areas of Melksham.
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Making your home cat-friendly

Making your home cat-friendly

If you make your home a comfortable environment for a cat, they will spend more time with you and so be a more rewarding pet. 

Cats, Adopters, Cat behaviour

Play with your cat!

Play with your cat!

Playing with your cat increases your bond, encourages them to stay closer to home, and reduces the urge to kill wildlife outside.

Cats, Adopters, Cat behaviour, Welfare

Letting your cat outside

Letting your cat outside

Letting your cat outside for the first time is nerve-racking! Here are some tips on how to prepare your cat for their next adventure 

Cats, Adopters, Cat behaviour

New cat

New cat

Setting up your home ready for your new cat to help them settle in quickly

Cats, Adopters, Cat behaviour

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