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Pregnant and scared, Susie needed all our expert care
Cats, Rescue, Rehabilitate
An emergency operation, an unexpected allergy, long-term care and concern over her quality of life.
Could we find the right treatment, and the right home for her?
Cats, Rescue, Rehabilitate, Rehome
It is National Check your Chip Day, so we thought we'd show you what our Intake team do when we get a stray animal in.
A poodly photo story
Dogs, Rescue, Rehabilitate
A fostering story from last year, to show the valuable work our volunteer foster team do.
Cats, Rescue, Fostering
Peggy and her ‘rags to riches’ adoption story
Rescue, Rehome
Rupert's remarkable journey
Dogs, Rescue
Happy homes found for two spaniel puppies abandoned during a heatwave
Dogs, Rescue, Rehome
The illegal practice of ear cropping remains a trend.
Rescue, RSPCA
Sourdough, Pumpernickel and Rye were abandoned in a box left in a layby.
Cats, Rescue
Dogs, Rescue, Rehabilitate, RSPCA
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