Happy homes found for two spaniel puppies abandoned during a heatwave
Last July, on the hottest day of a heatwave, two tiny spaniel puppies were abandoned in a box in a car park in Corsham, separated from their mother and only six weeks old. Luckily, they were discovered quickly, taken to a local veterinary practice before the Wiltshire Council’s Dog Warden team brought them to be cared for here at Bath Cats and Dogs Home. The two brothers, who we named Duck and Goose, were skinny, badly dehydrated, frightened by their experience and suffering from mange.
Sebastian from the Public Protection Team at Wiltshire Council said: “As no owner came forward we believe the pups were abandoned on purpose by the individual that bred them. Our Dog Wardens work closely with Bath Cats and Dogs Home to help stray dogs in need where we know they will receive the best care and will be found loving new homes if no owner can be located.”
Casey, Animal Services Manager at Bath Cats & Dogs Home continued their story “Duck and Goose received around the clock care to make sure they gained weight and were rehydrated. Over the weeks that followed our Animal Care team worked hard to socialise them both by getting them used to a variety of foods, people and noises and play activities. Our veterinary team also tackled the puppies’ physical health and treated them for worms and mange.”

Bethan who adopted Goose “We had a great experience adopting Goose from Bath Cats and Dogs Home. The adoption process was simple and easy and we were able to chat to the animal behaviour team about him and his needs. He had some hair loss when we first got him and it was brilliant to watch him grow in to the healthy dog he is now. He has settled in really well with our other spaniel, Olive, and they are best of friends! He is a friendly, loveable character and is always keen for a cuddle.”
“He is very sociable and loves playing catch in the river. I would say to anyone, considering adopting a dog from Bath Cats and Dogs Home, to go for it. Goose has added so much to our lives and I could not imagine life without him.”

Becky who adopted Duck, now called Monty shared her experience and said: “Bath Cats and Dogs Home had given Duck and his brother Goose the best care. Although a little subdued to start with, Monty soon began to thrive. Neither of us had had a puppy before, and we knew it wasn't going to be easy – it wasn't! – but it was most definitely worth it.”
“He gained weight, his fur grew back, and the scabs began to heal. The team at Bath Cats and Dogs Home told us that the puppies had lovely personalities and they were right – he is very sweet natured and has a really special bond with us all.”
“We have always adopted our animals as we believe in making a difference to an animal's life. Having a dog is a huge and lifelong commitment and not one to enter into lightly, but looking back on our photographs of Monty, I can see just how much he is thriving now and what a very happy life he has ahead of him, full of adventure!”

“When he was around four months old, we took him to the beach. He charged around with his ears flapping in the breeze – one of our most favourite photographs of him is in this moment. It must have left an impression on him, for Monty is now firmly a water dog and will get in any puddle or stream he can find! He is full of fun and what we love the most about him is that he never fails to make people smile.”
“Despite the sad circumstances in which he was found, Bath Cats and Dogs Home have been instrumental in ensuring that our puppy has the best life. All animals deserve a happy life with an adoring family, and the effort you put in as an adopter means great love in return. Thank you to everyone at Bath Cats and Dogs Home for all of the amazing work you do.”

If you are looking for a new pet, we have rescue cats and dogs available for adoption.
» Click here to find out how to adopt a rescue pet on our website