Cookie BC43711-Cat
Bengal cross
4 years 4 months
I would prefer not to live with other cats
I cannot live with dogs
I can live with teenagers

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Our gorgeous Cookie is on the search for her forever home. She is looking for a quiet home with understanding owners who can give her time and space to settle in at her own pace. Due to her timid nature, Cookie will need an enclosed settling in room to start of in. While timid at first, once you have gained Cookies trust she is affectionate and enjoys human company. Another one of Cookies favourite pass times is exploring outdoors, so ideally is looking for a home in a semi-rural area away from busy roads.
Cookie will be accepting interest until Friday 18th and at this point, the Rehoming team will invite a potential adopter in to meet them. Please email or call and leave a voicemail if you are already registered and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We will endeavour to consider all new applications but, due to high demand we cannot guarantee that we will be able to register you by a certain date.
More details about Cookie
To stop Cookie wandering back to her old home, she cannot be rehomed in parts of Warminster.
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Secure room set up for cats

Secure room set up for cats

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