Payroll Giving (also sometimes known as Give as you Earn) is a simple and efficient way to donate to Bath Dogs and Cats Home on a regular basis. Donations are taken before tax which means for every £1 an employee gives it only costs them 80p and Government pays us the rest.
A regular gift is a fantastic way to support Bath Cats and Dogs Home and enables us to care for unwanted and negelected animals now and in the future.
For businesses it is free to set up and running a Payroll Giving scheme shows that your company is committed to working in partnership with the community - something that is increasingly important to customers and staff.
For those companies that do not yet operate a Payroll Giving scheme it’s free to introduce and easy to administer.
Register with a Payroll Giving Agency (PGA) approved by the Inland Revenue. These agencies handle payroll donations on behalf of employees and companies ensuring their donations go to their chosen charities.
» See the Inland Revenue website for a detailed listing
Once registered, pass the payroll giving forms received from your employees onto your PGA and they will do the rest. The PGA is responsible for adding the tax onto a donor's gift and transferring the total sum to the donor's nominated charity.
» Want to know how it works as an employee? Click here for Give as you earn details