Give as you earn image

Give as you earn

Arrange a pre-tax donation straight from your wage packet

Payroll Giving (also sometimes known as Give as you Earn) is a simple and efficient way to donate to Bath Dogs and Cats Home on a regular basis. Donations are taken before tax which means for every £1 you pledge gives it only costs you 80p and Government pays us the rest.

A regular gift is a fantastic way to support Bath Cats and Dogs Home and enables us to care for unwanted and negelected animals now and in the future.

Your human resources department should have a form that you can complete or you can download our one.

» Payroll Giving pledge form

Once you’ve filled in your details, please give a copy to your HR department  (to send on to their payroll giving agency) and send a copy to us. It may take up to three months for the process to be completed by the agency, but after that you don't need to do a thing to donate tax free every month! And if you need to change the amount, just let your employer and us know.


Regular giving


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