Matching you to a rescue pet

An essential part of our service as a rehoming centre

Staff in office with dog watching them work

Matching is an essential part of our service as a rehoming centre, giving you peace of mind that your application has been individually considered.  After you have sent in your application, our Rehoming team will match your needs and home with the welfare needs of our animals currently in the Home and call you to discuss.

Every animal (and adopter!) is unique and we use all of our expertise to make the matches. Every animal is assessed by the Behaviour and Animal Care teams, the Veterinary team and the Rehoming team too. If it is available, we will also consider the background and history of the pet’s life so far. 

What are the assessments?

The animal assessments are a series of observations about how well the cat or dog can cope with different situations. Our staff care for hundreds of animals every year, with our most senior staff having met and evaluated well over 1,500 animals in their career. They can pick up on body language (called ‘cues’) which most of us pet owners would easily miss. With their expertise they will recommend any limitations for rehoming. These are so the cat or dog can live their most comfortable and happy life. After all, we do not wish for them to come back to a rescue again.

What are you looking for to make a match?

With cats, location and environment is very important to them so we may focus on your house and wider area. A cat’s temperament can be a very important factor as well, for how much the cat can cope with and for you as an adopter as well. 

With dogs, we must look more at matching your lifestyle with their needs. This is why we ask quite a lot of questions, so we can get an understanding of what the dog’s day to day life might be like as well as what you want to get out of being a dog owner. 

We all have different visions of what being a happy pet owner is like, help us to understand your ideal so we can make you a great match for adopting!


No matches?

If there are no available matches when we first call you, please keep checking the website for new animals in. If you see an animal that you are interested in, contact the Rehoming team with a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

 » Call and leave a voicemail message for the Rehoming team, on 01225 787331

 » Click here to email the Rehoming team

We take in, on average, 14 animals every week so we hope to find you a match as soon as we can.


Meeting your matches

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