Social fundraising image

Social fundraising

Ask your social media circle to donate for your birthday, anniversary or challenge

Social media platforms Facebook and Instagram can set up fundraisers to ask your social contacts to donate to your chosen charity. This could be for a celebration (a birthday or anniversary), in memory of a loved one or if you are taking on a challenge. 

Facebook Fundraiser

You add the photos and the details, a target you want to reach, and then share on your timeline and directly with chosen friends.

Search for 'Fundraiser' on Facebook and follow the heart or » click here to go to the fundraiser information on Facebook

Fundraising on Instagram

Just tap Add fundraiser when you upload a picture and choose your charity.

Sample of an Instagram fundraiser sign up

We will receive your donation from Facebook or Instagram as part of a monthly payment from Meta – although as we don't often get notified about who is raising money for us, we would love to hear from you if you have set up a fundraiser. Drop us a DM with a link! 

Take on a charity challenge


Team events

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