Our top tips to prepare in case your pet is lost
It is every pet owner's worse nightmare – your pet has gone missing and is lost. It might never happen, but a little preparation now could make all the difference in getting your pet home quickly and safely.

Microchipping... and check those details
Your dog should by law be microchipped, and by June next year your cat must be as well. A microchip is an inert tiny piece of metal inserted under the skin. It can be read much like a barcode as a unique identifier, which then opens your details that have been logged on a database for vets, rescue centres and Dog Wardens to read and get in touch.
And that is the key – the database must be kept up to date by you! Did you know that you could still be fined if your contact details are not up to date for your dog? Have a look now, have you changed address? Your phone number?
If you are not sure which company your pet's chip is regsitered with, click here to enter the number and find out.
Take clear photos
You could need identifying photos for a poster or to prove ownership when you collect your pet from a rescue centre, like us. Take both sides, and a head shot, noting anything that could make them unique.
For cats - that extra step
The main reason cats get lost is because they are caught up in wanting to breed. Female cats are running from male cats, male cats are chasing out other male cats – those hormones really make trouble! And it is worse around this time of year as the weather warms up; we have already had our first stray pregnant cat in through our doors.
Neuter your cat from quite a young age – female cats can get pregnant from 4-6 months old onwards. And keep your cat entertained at home so they don't want to wander far. Lots of short playtimes, food puzzles and affection to fill their days in between naps.
If they do get lost
» We have advice on what to do, on our website here.