One of our regular clients had a terrible accident – but we could help him.
Working in conjunction with local charities, and a dedicated volunteer vet team, the Together Project offers free veterinary care to the pets of the homeless and vulnerably housed in Bath. Pets are a constant source of companionship, supporting through the best and worst times, and we understand the bond that many of our Together Project service users have with their pets.
We offer preventative care such as yearly vaccinations, flea and worm treatments and neutering to make sure all eligible pets are in good health as well as responding to veterinary emergencies and providing on-going care for illnesses.
Mazzie’s story
We were already friends with Mazzie, an 8-year old pug cross, a regular visitor to the Together Project clinics for his flea treatment and checks. He was having trouble with his eyes, they were sore and dry, after a period of eye drops which helped the symptoms, but didn’t clear it up, we booked him in to have further treatment under anaesthetic to see if we could fix him up.
But before he could come in - a heart-breaking moment. Mazzie was hit by a car.

His whole left side of his face was swollen and grazed, and his eye was bleeding profusely. Under sedation, he was thoroughly checked over. Amazingly he hadn’t broken any bones, and the damage was mostly to his eye and skin on his face and shoulder.
But sadly, as he was cleaned up and his swelling went down, it became clear that his left eye was no longer working and possibly detached, so would have to be removed. However, the skin around the eye was too damaged to be able to put sutures in plus he had an infection, so he needed to heal up a bit first.
Mazzie had daily cleanses, medication and monitoring by the Veterinary team, but that meant just 14 days later his skin was looking strong and healed so he could be booked in for an enucleation.

Mazzie post-operation – you can see the fresh pink healed skin around his eye and the blue stitches still in.
He looks sad in the photo above as he is still dopey from the anaesthetic, but not long after the operation was done he was so much brighter.

Two months later and his surgery site is fully healed and Mazzie is looking great! We regularly check in with Mazzie when he visits the Together Project clinics and he is doing really well, and we get to enjoy a play with him and a soft squeaky toy (his favourite!).
LINK » Find out more about the Together Project
Thank you to Nationwide who have funded The Together Project for one year with a generous grant of £10,000. Bath Cats & Dogs Home’s community project was nominated by their staff to receive ‘The Colleague Grant’ for 2024 and will ensure pets in need will receive veterinary care.