Wilma BD45362-Dog
4 years 8 months
I am still learning to greet other dogs nicely
I cannot live with cats
I cannot live with other dogs
I can live with teenagers

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Wilma is our lovely little lap dogs that adores all the fuss and attention she can get. She's not a very playful girl preferring the company of people over games. She has shown good signs that she is housetrained already but any adopter must be prepared for the odd accident whilst she is getting used to the new environment. She enjoys her walks but prefers to be walked in quieter areas so she can spend her time sniffing and exploring with minimal interruption.
More details about Wilma
Wilma doesn't like sharing attention so consequently doesn't cope with living with other dogs or having and visiting dogs. She can also be a little anxious so any adopter must be prepared to allow her to bond and settle in at her own pace.
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Dog adoption timeline

Dog adoption timeline

What to expect in the weeks and months after adopting a dog

Dogs, Adopters, Dog behaviour

Walking with a reactive dog

Walking with a reactive dog

Tips for coping with your everyday walks

Dogs, Dog training, Dog behaviour

New dog

New dog

How to help your new friend settle in and start to build a bond

Dogs, Adopters, Dog behaviour

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