Penelope BD45389-Dog
Greyhound cross
1 year 4 months
I am friendly with some dogs
I cannot live with cats
I could live with another dog
I can live with teenagers

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Penelope is a fun-loving girl whose favourite things include lots of fuss, tennis balls and making new friends on her daily walks! Penelope is great on the lead and, with some recall training, may be able to enjoy some off-lead fun! She’s also good with other dogs, and could be rehomed with a dog that matches her playful energy.
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Games with your dog

Games with your dog

Keeping a dog mentally stimulated will prevent behaviour problems such as barking, being destructive or over-grooming. Let’s beat that boredom!

Dogs, Adopters, Dog behaviour

Dog adoption timeline

Dog adoption timeline

What to expect in the weeks and months after adopting a dog

Dogs, Adopters, Dog behaviour

New dog

New dog

How to help your new friend settle in and start to build a bond

Dogs, Adopters, Dog behaviour

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