Lilley BD45417-Dog
Hungarian Puli
8 years 3 months
I am friendly with some dogs
I may be able to live with cats
I cannot live with other dogs
I can live with teenagers

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Meet Lilley, our shy but affectionate little Hungarian Puli. Once bonded with you, she loves to spend time with you and is always looking for a fuss. She loves spending time with other dogs too and enjoys going on walks with her friends. She is food motivated and has shown signs of picking up training quickly, including her house training.
Lilley will be accepting interest until Tuesday 22nd October and at this point, the Rehoming team will invite a potential adopter in to meet them. Please email or call and leave a voicemail if you are already registered and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We will endeavour to consider all new applications but, due to high demand we cannot guarantee that we will be able to register you by a certain date.
More details about Lilley
Lilley has shown jealousy behaviours around sharing her space with other dogs so cannot live with another dog.
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