Flint BD45370-Dog
1 year 7 months
I am friendly with some dogs
I cannot live with cats
I could live with another dog
I can live with teenagers

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Flint is our very friendly smaller lurcher. He loves to greet every person and dog he sees with a waggy tail and loves fuss so much, he will paw at you for some more should you stop. He will play with toys by himself and will play tug with you. He is highly food motivated and has shown that he is willing to learn new tricks. Being such a well rounded dog, Flint will make a wonderful addition to most households.
More details about Flint
Flint has a high prey drive, so any adopter must be able to hold him should he see something like a squirrel that excites him.
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Meeting and greeting other dogs

Meeting and greeting other dogs

Most dogs want to meet others and it is important for them to have the opportunity to display their natural social behaviours and improve their doggie greetings.

Dogs, Dog behaviour

Dog adoption timeline

Dog adoption timeline

What to expect in the weeks and months after adopting a dog

Dogs, Adopters, Dog behaviour

New dog

New dog

How to help your new friend settle in and start to build a bond

Dogs, Adopters, Dog behaviour

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