Felicity BC45413-Cat
Domestic S.H (short hair)
10 years 1 months
I would prefer not to live with other cats
I cannot live with dogs
I prefer to live with adults only

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Meet Felicity, a timid girl with a gentle soul. Felicity has struggled adapting to cattery lifestyle so currently spends most of her time in her cosy hidey spots. It is important her new owners have an enclosed room that Felicity can call her own to begin with while she gains her confidence in her new environment. Felicity loves a scratching post with lots of blankets and platforms, creating her own cosy den. We hope with patient and understanding owners that the beautiful Felicity will blossom into a more confident girl.
More details about Felicity
To stop Felicity wandering back to her old home, she cannot be rehomed in parts of Trowbridge.
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