Charlie BD44989-Dog
1 year 9 months
I am still learning to greet other dogs nicely
I cannot live with cats
I could live with another dog
I can live with teenagers

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Charlie is a timid soul searching for a patient and understanding owner. It's possible he's never experienced the warmth of a home before, so he'll need time to settle in and adjust to his new environment. Charlie loves outdoor adventures and walks beautifully on the lead. Approaching life with caution, he can be shy around new people and prefers to initiate interactions on his terms. While he may not actively seek out affection, he enjoys a gentle fuss once he's familiar with you. Handling can be a worry for him initially, but as trust builds, he becomes more relaxed.
More details about Charlie
With the right introductions, Charlie has the potential to befriend other dogs, especially fellow sighthounds. Interactions should be managed carefully initially due to his anxiety.
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Meeting and greeting other dogs

Meeting and greeting other dogs

Most dogs want to meet others and it is important for them to have the opportunity to display their natural social behaviours and improve their doggie greetings.

Dogs, Dog behaviour



Toileting and even not-toileting are common frustrations in dog ownership. Here's our advice on encouraging housetraining in dogs.

Dogs, Dog training, Adopters, Dog behaviour

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