Helping pet owners in our community care for their cats and dogs
We have a small fund reserved for veterinary services for pet owners under financial difficulty. Our aim is to keep happy pets in their loving homes wherever possible, rather than having to sign them over for rehoming.
Emergency vet care fund
Our most common reason for a member of the public handing in a pet to be rehomed is because of vet treatment that they cannot afford. We will then rehabilitate and rehome the cat or dog, paying for all treatment and their stay at the centre.
Pet owners on a low income can apply for assistance towards vet fees for an emergency operation.
Pet food at Food banks
We have a regular partnership to provide cat and dog food to Bath Foodbank – a Trussell Trust Foodbank run by Genesis Trust. They offer 3-day emergency packages to those finding themselves in need of emergency assistance such as a benefit delay, an unexpected bill, redundancy etc.
Grainne Moher, Bath Foodbank Manager for Genesis Trust
“We are meeting more and more people needing to use the foodbank who also have pets to care for, particularly people finding themselves in this situation for the first time. We know that without the availability of pet food at our centres that many may use the food intended to feed themselves to feed their animals. For some this could prevent them having to make the difficult decision to give up their pet.”